131 Burnett Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2G 1C2
We provide quality construction services to the commercial and industrial sectors of the Canadian economy in an environment where the customers, employees, and the company benefit.
Our Services
Langreen is a dynamic and creative company with the capability to be involved in all aspects of the construction process. The company stresses flexibility in its approach to each project that it undertakes. This approach can take several different forms:
- Design build proposals, with an accurate preliminary design, outline specifications, and pricing submitted to the client for acceptance.
- Firm price, in which a price is submitted based upon a complete set of construction documents.
- Project management service, including conceptual design, budgeting, construction management, and other activities, provided for a competitive fee.
No matter which approach is selected, Langreen’s clients are assured that their project will be handled by a company which believes professionalism, competence, and integrity are the basis of a working relationship.
Langreen has completed a wide array of design build and tendered projects, ranging from warehouse expansions, generating station maintenance buildings, hockey arenas to nonprofit housing units. The company has experienced steady and controlled growth since its inception in 1984, with the majority of projects undertaken in the commercial, industrial and mining sectors.
To date, the company has concentrated its activities in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario on projects up to $2.5 million in value, but Langreen has the capability to handle larger projects, and looks forward to applying its capability to projects of increasing size and/or design complexity.